Photographer & Video Content Creator

I’m photographer and all-round videographer with longterm professional interest in music concerts, festivals and other various cultural and social events. During the years I have gathered experience on how to shoot promotional photos and videos, after movies, short documentaries, reportage photography and educational videos. I have been honored to maintain a longterm cooperation with many prestigious non-governmental organisations and public institutions including Charles University in Prague, Vaclav Havel Library, World Roma Festival Khamoro, Slovo 21, Youths Tune Jazz, Freedom Festival, Romea, ARA ART, AAD – German academic exchange service and others.

AV Technician & Live Events Producer

I had the opportunity to build from a scratch a professional audio-video studio for Vaclav Havel Library in Prague, to create a production team and to lead the technical production in the first two years of it’s existence. Vaclav Havel Library is cultural and educational centre and archive promoting the legacy of Vaclav Havel, the first Czech democratic president. In 2020 we launched audiovisual project/internet television called Havel Channel which I was technically responsible for. It included realisation of more that 120 live streams (political talk shows, live music sesions, conferences, social and historical debates, cultural events), shooting interviews, after movies, video reports, audio podcasts and educational projects.

This experience gave me the ability to see projects from different points of view. I gained extensive technical skills, I learned how to motivate my team and found out ways how to communicate with guests from all spheres of public life from heads of states and successful entrepreneurs to alternative musicians and activists. On top of that, I learned to work under pressure – during complicated live streamed events with remotely connected speakers, simultaneous interpretation, live music etc.